Sunday, December 16, 2012

Year In Review

As the year comes to an end, I usually look back on what has happened and forward to the coming year.

Over all 2012 was a good year. I started a book on CRPS/RSD which I hope will be published this coming spring. Fellow RSDers and I have started a non profit to help those unable to get treatment financial help. Here is the link:

Personally, I learned that I will be a first time grandmother in March 2013.
I have met wonderful people who have responded to this blog or to the Facebook groups where I am an admin.
 Ketamine Klub For CRPS/RSD Patients
Ketamine Klub 2 For CRPS/RSD Patients monitored by Dr. Pradeep Chopra
Caregivers of CRPS/RSD Patients
Teen To Thirty: CRPS/RSD Support

We are raising awareness and informing the public about CRPS treatments, feeling and caring for someone with CRPS.

2013 is right around the corner. Through the above organizations, my book and non profit I hope to positively influence those who have CRPS, those who know nothing about CRPS as well as educations physicians of caring for the CRPS patient.

Merry Christmas and a Happy Healthy 2013!!